
Friday Somethings?

Friday... Thoughts?

We have had a crazy couple of weeks over here so I've been missing my usual link-ups left and right! Two weeks ago on the day before New Years Eve, Reg came down with the flu. Then N came down with it the next day. I thought I was safe having got a flu shot last year, and then a week later BAM! Full on influenza! I am still recovering even right now- in fact, N and R are still coughing as well. This was one nasty bug.

And speaking of nasty bugs, N came down with a stomach virus on Wednesday! I called him in the morning to see if he knew where my keys were (he always drives my car and puts my keys god knows where) and just by the tone of his voice I knew something was up. I asked him if he wasn't feeling well stomach-wise which is an unfortunately loaded question when it comes to me because of my emetephobia, but he tried to play it cool. He later admitted to me that he had been getting sick all day at work, and finally left around 4:30 (after getting there around 7!) only to get sick for the rest of the night. Poor guy!

While I was at dance with a misbehaving R he sent me a text and said "not to freak out" but he was going to be going home because he was feeling so awful. Now, this means something is serious because he went to work with the FLU with no complaints. I decided that after dance I'd run home and grab some stuff and then take R and myself (and Hank) over to my parent's house. You see, they have 8 very nice bathrooms in a very large house (with 2-3 people living there), and we have 1 not-very-nice bathroom in a fairly small house (with 2 1/2 people living there.)

Now I love my bathroom and my house very much (sometimes, haha) but when someone has a GI bug- which are always HIGHLY contagious- it's not a lot of fun to be stuck in a place where you can hear everything, and have no choice but to share the same bathroom. I figured we'd stay over until N felt better and then he could disinfect a little in hopes of saving R and I. We just got home and we'll see what happens...



  1. my step-daughter got the full the day school let our for christmas break and it took her full two weeks to jump back to herself :(

    1. I bet! The flu going around this season has been nasty! I'm glad she's back to feeling better though!

  2. Replies
    1. I went into the bathroom and took bleach to the lightswitch, door knows, toilet handle (my husband said he bleached the entire toilet but I just wanted to be safe) and then poured the rest of the bleach all over the bathroom. When he comes home I'm going to make him wash all the sheets. I feel like I'm living in a minefield!!

  3. Uhg, so sorry that you guys all got the flu...it really is evil this year. I started showing signs of it Thursday and just admitted to myself that I really had it last night. I already had a cold this season + got the flu shot so I thought denying it was going to work.. not so much lol.

    And you poor thing with your husband being GI sick :( I hope he got over it quick and that you were able to get the house all disinfected!!!


    1. Yeah it's a super nasty strain! As soon as I started thinking I might get it (I mean, R was freaking sneezing INTO my mouth) I started popping vitamin C pills but too little too late I guess!
      And I felt so bad for my husband! And almost as bad for myself, hahaha. I think he disinfected things pretty well but those GI viruses are so evil. I read online that they can live on your surfaces for weeks and I was just like FML, I care so much I can't even care anymore!

  4. Ooh sneezing into your mouth.. aren't kids lovely sometimes? I'm pretty sure I got this from my niece and while she didn't get my mouth she def got my face.. so lovely :/

    Weeks??? Omg!!

    1. Uggh yes kids are so gross! And yes weeks. :( I'm just going to pretend like I never heard that and pray all our bleaching worked.
