
Thursday Thoughts

- I had my EKG this morning and my heart looks great! I'm not surprised but I'm glad it's over with so my GI doctor can prescribe me the new motility med. However I thought my appointment was at 10:30 when it was supposed to be at 10, so when I got there at 10:15 the receptionists told me the doctor I was supposed to see hates when people are late. I felt really bad but I've also sat in the waiting room at that office for over half an hour before (well, probably because people like me run late but still.) The guy was kind of a jerk but I didn't even have to see him because a nurse could do the test. Whatevs.

 He was trying to give the phone a weird look. He succeeded.

- So the Avs lost last night. I knew the would but it was a bummer to see in person. We don't usually get to see them score four goals and then lose. I'm not too worried about it. I know they won't stay at the top of the NHL for long, they had a hot start and have a long way to go, but I think they'll make the playoffs this year which is more than I could have asked for before the season started!

- I am getting killed in fantasy hockey. I am playing N this week and am beating the pants off him but it's not going to help me much. Uggh.

-  Has anyone gotten a gingerbread frap from Starbucks and tried the molasses drizzle? It's SO gross. Like burnt caramel and it makes the whole drink taste terrible. I ordered a frap today without it and the drive through girl said she didn't blame me because that stuff is nasty. They should get rid of it. However the spiced whipped cream is divine.

- I don't need any of the Target Halloween clearance stuff. I don't need any of the Target Halloween clearance stuff. I don't need any of the Target Halloween clearance stuff.

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