
Thursday Thoughts

- R didn't too bad as the flower girl for my cousin's wedding. She screamed when we tried to put her dress on and get pictures of her with the bridal party, she screamed right before it was time for her to walk, and when I tried to reroute her when she took a wrong turn down the aisle she laid down on the ground and screamed some more. But when she caught a glimpse of N standing at the end of the aisle holding out a sucker she dropped her flowers and RAN to him. Everyone laughed and she was precious dancing at the reception so overall it was a success.

- I still haven't heard back from the throat surgeon regarding my insurance coverage of the last diagnostic test. I am hoping to all hope my insurance covers it and we can keep the ball rolling.

- Speaking of doctors, I need to get back to my D.O. to talk about my thyroid. I recently switched meds and I thought there would be an improvement, and instead things have gotten worse. I'm super discouraged and have gained so much weight none of my clothes are fitting. I don't want to buy more new clothes!

- Which leads me to the subject of buying things... I really should stop. You know how some people eat their feelings? Well I am one of those people but I also shop my feelings. I'm not buying anything crazy, but it's all these little things here and there that I need to stop with. For example, yesterday I bought flavored marshmallows on the internet. (Starbucks does not count. You will take my frappuccinos from my cold, dead body.) I need to call Dave Ramsey and let him yell at me.

- This comic gets me:

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